Get the in-demand accounting expertise and understanding to push higher than ever in your career in less than a year.

Applicants must have a four-year bachelor’s degree in accounting with a 3.0 GPA. Certain prerequisite courses may need to be completed before (or during) the program.

For international students whose native language isn’t English, we require a TOEFL composite score of 7 (with no subject score lower than 6).
" thing that I learned at Eller is to see every challenge as an opportunity for growth and to become a better person and business professional.”
Adriana Martinez, '09 MAcc
No, the GMAT or GRE is not required for admission into the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program.
Yes, the program will give you the opportunity to earn additional accounting units and related business course units that will help you to meet CPA educational requirements. The educational requirements vary by state, so you must determine the requirements for the state in which you wish to be licensed. For information specific to Arizona, see the Arizona State Board of Accountancy website. To research other state requirements, visit the specific state board of accountancy’s website, or visit the AICPA’s This Way to CPA website.
The Master of Accounting program is a 30 unit program (not including pre-requisites), with no less than 24 units of accounting. Therefore, if a student that already completed the prerequisites were to take 15 units per semester, the program length would be two full time semesters.
The estimated costs of the program will vary depending on how many semesters a student plans to be enrolled, how many units per semester the student is planning to take, and whether the student is an Arizona resident or non-resident. For an estimated cost of tuition and fees: access the University Tuition and Fees Calculator, select the most recent Fall/Spring semester, select Main Campus, select Graduate, select Eller College: All Masters Programs.
All requirements for a graduate program must be completed within 6 years. Time-to-degree begins with the earliest coursework to be applied toward the degree including any credits transferred from other institutions. Coursework more than 6 years old is not accepted toward meeting program requirements.
The MAcc program allows transferred graduate coursework. However, there are a number of restrictions:
- The transferred courses cannot cause your entire program to exceed 6 years in length
- There is a limit of 6 units that you may transfer
- The transferred coursework must have a grade of A or B
- Correspondence courses or extension work from other institutions will not be accepted for graduate credit
- Transferred courses must be approved by the Director of Masters Programs
Please see the Graduate College for more information.
- The GPA of our accepted applicants ranges from 3.0 to 4.0, with an average of approximately 3.5.
- International applicants are required to achieve a minimum English proficiency score. For the TOEFL exam, an 85 is required (NOTE: This is higher than the minimum score of 79 required by the Graduate College). For the IELTS, a minimum composite score of 7 with no subject area below a 6 is required. Please see the Graduate College for more information about acceptable English proficiency exams.
Work experience, accounting-related or otherwise, is not required to be considered for admission.
For information about different financial aid options, please see funding.
Unfortunately, we do not allow non-degree seeking students to take graduate accounting courses on campus. However, we will permit non-degree seeking students to take specific accounting courses online based on the student’s accounting education background. Be advised that the cost per unit for online non-degree seeking students is higher than for students in the graduate program.
Students may enroll in a minimum of 3 units, unless they are holding teaching assistantships, in which case the minimum enrollment is 6 units.
According to the International Student Programs and Services Department, international graduate students are required to take a minimum of 9 credit hours to maintain full time F1 status.
Graduate students may apply for a Leave of Absence from their program for a semester or for the academic year using the Graduate Petition for a Leave of Absence form.
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